Quality Generator Repair in Denver, CO
EMT is fully insured and provides mobile maintenance for all your maintenance repair needs anywhere in the state of Colorado.
At Equipment Maintenance Technicians, our mechanics provide repair and maintenance services for generators in Denver, CO. A malfunctioning generator during a power outage is an inconvenience. With our generator mechanics undergoing continuous training, we can guarantee accurate and precise generator repair services.
Signs That Your Generator Needs Repair
For your generator to stay in peak condition, it helps to know the indications that it needs repair or maintenance. Some signs to look out for are:
1. Start-Up Failure
During electrical power outages, there’s nothing more frustrating than having a generator that refuses to start. While it can be due to simple issues, such as low oil levels in the crankcase or a dead battery, it can also be a sign that you need to call for generator repairs.
Start-up failures can indicate complex problems, such as a defective spark plug or clogs in the fuel valves and carburetor.
2. Inconsistent Power Flow
Regularly checking your generator’s power flow is essential. If it doesn’t provide sufficient power flow, there might be some problems with some parts of its power systems, such as the control panel and breaker. Don’t try to fix the problem yourself to prevent further damage and costly repairs.
Inconsistent power flow doesn’t just cause power generation issues. It can also be an indication of internal damage. If you experience flickering lights or other operational issues, call in experts for generator repairs immediately.
3. Worn-Out Parts
Both standby and portable generators are stored and rarely checked, so they become susceptible to wear and tear. Some signs that you may apparently see include:
- Frayed and Bare Wires
- Cracked, Missing, or Worn Control Knobs
- Loose Connectors
While these issues don’t seem complicated, neglecting them can lead to damage and breakdown. To prevent such problems, seek help from professional generator service providers and have your generator inspected regularly.
4. Internal or External Leaks
Leakages are problems that require an immediate response. They pose potential dangers, such as explosions, fire hazards, and exposure to toxic chemicals. If you suspect that your generator has leaks, be on the lookout for puddles of oil, fuel, or coolant. You can also check for leaks if you smell pungent odors coming from your generator.
5. Battery Issues
When not used or maintained, generator batteries grow weak. They become susceptible to voltage problems that can cause real damage to your electric appliances. When there is low voltage, appliances draw more current to deliver the expected output. This puts your generator at a high risk of overheating.
Why Choose Equipment Maintenance Technicians for Generator Repair
Having been a trusted provider of generator repairs in Denver, CO, since 2003, our mechanics at Equipment Maintenance Technicians have extensive knowledge and experience.
Our team undergoes relevant training from time to time to ensure accuracy and precision in our services. We utilize state-of-the-art equipment and tools in performing diagnostics and generator repairs in Denver, CO.
Our Generator Repair Services in Denver, CO
We understand the hassle of having a faulty generator during power outages. With almost two decades’ worth of experience, we guarantee that we can restore your generator’s peak performance. Our repair and maintenance services for generators in Denver, CO, include:
- General Inspection
- Intake and Exhaust Inspection
- Engine Exercise
- Battery Repairs
- Cleaning and Lubrication
- Cooling System Repair and Maintenance
- Fuel System Repair and Maintenance
Call Us for Generator Repair in Denver, CO
With our expertise and experience, you’ll have peace of mind that your generator will perform optimally during power outages. Contact us today for inquiries about our generator repair in Denver, CO.